
Usage - Tapir

Getting Tapir

Please see download page.

Obtaining a game

Tapir itself is not a game. You can download or buy RPG Maker games, for example, at Freem (Japanese), DLsite (Japanese), and Steam.

Extracting a game

RPG Maker games are typically distributed in a ZIP or EXE archive.

Extracting a ZIP archive

Mostly you’ll have to specify the encoding for filenames. This is typically unzip -O cp932, because it is the default for Japanese Windows environment.

For example, if you downloaded a game Hero and Daughter (Japanese), you can extract the zip like this:

$ unzip -O cp932 Hero_and_Daughter_3c.zip

Extracting an EXE archive

In most cases, EXE archives for RPG Maker games can be unpacked with cabextract.

For example, if you downloaded a game ぼくらの大革命, you’ll at first see a ZIP file.

$ unzip -O cp932 daikakumei.zip
Archive:  daikakumei.zip
  inflating: ぼくらの大革命!ver15.exe

Then you’ll figure out you have to extract it for the second time!. Then you can use cabextract.

$ cabextract -d daikakumei ぼくらの大革命!ver15.exe

Note that in general, you should be enough careful to specify subdirectory to extract to. Otherwise you may mess up your working directory.

Playing a game

You can use the tapir command to play the game you extracted. Move to the directory where Game.ini exists and just type:

$ tapir

Or, invoke tapir -d path/to/game/directory.


In Linux, we use libconfig to make Tapir configurable.


Tapir looks for configuration files in the following places:

File format

Configuration is in libconfig format. Here is a brief description of the format:

This is a list of fields that are accepted by Tapir:

Path Example Description
rgss.KEY rgss: { key_z = "C"; } Key assignments. See below for details.
rgssN.KEY rgss1: { key_z = "C"; } Key assignments for specific RGSS version.
rgssN.rtp.RTPNAME rgss3: { rtp: { RPGVXAce = "/usr/share/Enterbrain/RGSS3/RPGVXAce"; }} RTP Path for a specific RTP name in Game.ini.
rgss.rtp_base_path rgss: { rtp_base_path: "/usr/share/Enterbrain";} Default place to look for RTP.

Key assignment

RGSS and Tapir maps external key codes to internal inputs.

Here is a list of external keys:

Key Description Default map
button1 Gamepad Button 1 A
button2 Gamepad Button 2 B
button3 Gamepad Button 3 C
button4 Gamepad Button 4 X
button5 Gamepad Button 5 Y
button6 Gamepad Button 6 Z
button7 Gamepad Button 7 L
button8 Gamepad Button 8 R
button9 Gamepad Button 9 -
button10 Gamepad Button 10 -
space SPACE key C
enter Enter C
esc Escape B
num0 0 on the numpad B
shift Shift A
key_z Z C (In RGSS1, A)
key_x X B
key_c C - (In RGSS1, C)
key_v V -
key_b B -
key_a A X
key_s S Y
key_d D Z
key_q Q L
key_w W R

For example, if you want to map key_z to C and key_c to nothing in RGSS1, the corresponding configuration will be the following:

rgss1: {
  key_z = "C";
  key_c = "";

If you want to assign R to key_v in all RGSS versions:

rgss: {
  key_v = "R";

RTP Path

Tapir looks for RTP Path in these three ways:

RTPNAME is typically RPGVXAce for RGSS3, RPGVX for RGSS2, and Standard for RGSS. Therefore you can specify RTP path in the following way:

rgss3: {
  rtp: {
    RPGVXAce = "/home/someone/share/Enterbrain/RGSS3/RPGVXAce";
rgss2: {
  rtp: {
    RPGVX = "/home/someone/share/Enterbrain/RGSS2/RPGVX";
rgss1: {
  rtp: {
    Standard = "/home/someone/share/Enterbrain/RGSS/Standard";

However, since the paths are very regular, you can just specify a default base path.

rgss: {
  rtp_base_path = "/home/someone/share/Enterbrain";

If rtp_base_path isn’t even specified, Tapir employs a ground default. The ground default is one of the following:

Tapir uses as a ground default any one of the above which seems to contain RTP.